Project Description
Andrei Villamayor started Fit and Lean June of 2018, a food service that caters to a market who needs the convenience of daily delivery of healthy meals. He was two weeks into the operation when he joined MBC’s training Start Your Own Business. This made a very positive impact as he learned the importance of planning well, setting goals, and assessing the business. He noted that he used to run by trial-and-error, a hit or miss thing, but once he learned these business principles, he was able to become more strategic in his approach. One year into the business, these past few months have been the most profitable.
Growing business
As his business grows, he sees all sorts of opportunities. One that is perhaps remarkable is the community that he is able to build not only with his clients but also with his business peers. Andrei continues to attend mentorship sessions with MBC, and he also teaches occasionally. Through MBC he was also able to join a small group of entrepreneurs who gather together to talk about how their businesses are doing, their challenges, their success stories, etc. There, they are able to help one another to creatively brainstorm together and to be a support group to one another. This avenue creates a healthy environment where these business-minded people are able to achieve a business fit to run.
With a fit business there’s always plenty of room for growth, and Andrei knows this as he continues to lead Fit and Lean to new opportunities.
Interview Details
Date: 22 June 2019
Interviewee/s: Andrei Villamayor (Founder, Operations)
Contact: 09062446238
Training/Batch: SYB
Training Venue Address: OMF Center, QC
Business Name: Fit & Lean
Business Address: Cubao, QC