Project Description
It isn’t easy to start a business, and for those who have tried to do it and have not seen it through for various reasons, be it a tropical storm or otherwise, it’s a real challenge to start again. It would require courage. With much gratitude in their hearts, the participants from Brgy. San Isidro who underwent the livelihood training project that MBC and PhilRads conducted had their hopes rekindled. They saw that this livelihood project was different from other projects. Beyond training, there is mentorship. There is follow-through. Moreover, it is inclusive. One member noted how at first, she thought the training was only for born-again Christians but then realized it was open for anyone.
New hope and new expectations!
With grants to start new businesses, the beneficiaries were able to move forward. In Brgy. San Isidro, they started a group business that supplies rice and livestock feeds. They buy, repackage, and sell in their community. The business created jobs, and thus, income for the members of the business group. Moreover, they were also able to start their own individual businesses that added to their income.
Yet what was perhaps most appreciated was what they learned from the trainings, and there was much to learn: how to start a business, how to manage finances, and how to work together. There might be struggles as any business would have, but there is also the vision to grow, to scale up, to move into a bigger store, to acquire a warehouse. There is plenty of hope to succeed.
Date: Monday, 5 February 2019, 1:00 to 1:35 PM
Interviewee/s: Ptra. Elvira Castillo (Account Officer), Geralin Palconit (Member)
Training/Batch: GYB and SYB
Training Venue Address: Evacuation Center San Roque
Group business name: San Isidro USDC (25 members)
Business Address: Brgy. San Roque, Biliran