The training program of the MBC
The Micro Business Center (MBC) helps people in disadvantaged regions in developing countries to start their own businesses. The program of the Micro Business Center teaches the participants the practical basic knowledge and skills with regard to running a business. It also helps the participants to create their own business idee. The MBC helps the participants after the training to apply for a loan and/or to participate in a savings group. When the participants have saved the starting capital together and start the business, they can get a coach that supports them for a period of up to 2 years. Regularly they comes for a progress meeting in which the challenges of a starting entrepreneur are discussed and tips are exchanged to make the business suitable.
In the boxes below, the different steps of the training program are described briefly.
For more information on the different steps of the training program,
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Information Session
The MBC info-meeting explains about the trainings and what is expected of the participants. Interested people can sign up for the first training.THE PROCESS EXPLAINED
First, the MBC will invite them to one of the information sessions. In it we will explain about the process, about the training and the support we offer, and what is expected of our participants.
If they want to start an own business through the MBC program, they can sign-up for the ‘Generate Your Business Idea’ training.
Generate Your Business Idea
The participant creates 3 potentially successful business ideas by scanning his/her skills, talents, experiences and network.A PRACTICAL TWO-DAY TRAINING
In the 2-day training ‘Generate Your Business Idea’ the participant will create 3 potential successful business ideas. They will scan their skills, talents, experiences and network. They will also do a short assessment about business and character. At the end of this training they can fill in a questionnaire as a way of application for the ‘Start Your Business’ training.
Start Your Business Training
The participant develops a practical business plan, based on one of his/her business ideas. They can use that to start their own business.A PRACTICAL 5 DAY BUSINESS TRAINING
The participants bring in the three ideas they came up with in the Generate Your Business Idea training, to the Start Your Business training. The interactive 5-day training helps them to find out what type of business could be successful. They will develop a Business Plan for the small business, applying the things they learned to their own potential business.
Business Plan
The ‘diploma’ from the training is their own personal Business Plan with which they can apply for a loan.YOUR BUSINESS PLAN
At the end of the training the participant will hand in their Business Plan. We will review it. In a one-on-one session we will comment on their business plan and have suggestions for improvement. After the business plan is finalized and made the suggested improvements, their business plan is ready.
The participant can apply for a loan with one of the Micro-Finance Partners and join a Saving Group to finance their business.GET A LOAN, JOING SAVINGS GROUP
With their final Business Plans the participants can apply for a loan with one of our Micro-Finance Partners. In combination with joining a Saving Group, they can get the start-up capital for their business. Other sources of the start-up capital: personal savings or from family/friends, loan schemes through local communities, etc.
The participants develop their business skills through the meetings with the other alumni students and a coach.BUSINESS EXPERIENCE
They start their new business with the Business Plan and the available capital. Every two weeks they participate in a meeting with the fellow alumni students and exchange experience on a business related topic. This is combined with a consultation with the coach about successes and challenges in the business.