MBC Vision (what we want to reach)
We have a world in mind where all people can use and exercise their potential and their capacities and are able to create opportunities for themselves and others.
Vision Slogan
“Your ability to innovate and change is in yourself.”

MBC Mission [what we do]
We are a non-profit organization with the aim to enable people to change their lives through participating in a micro-business training and coaching to alleviate poverty.
Mission slogan
‘Change lives by enable people to acquire their own income’.
Strategic Plan
Elevator Pitch
The MBC trains people from the slums the basic skills for running a business, so they can start their own micro business. It allows them to generate revenue for themselves and their families and to improve their economic living standards. In the early stages of the business, the MBC will coach the new entrepreneur in the development and growth of their business.
MBC’s core values are Change, Development and Relationship:

MBC wants to bring change in the life of people in poverty. By supporting them in the development of their potential, their gifts and talents they learn to stand in their power and to turn from intrinsic motivation into a turnaround in their lives and to make a step out of poverty.

The MBC believes that for every human being there is a place on this earth where he/she can exploit the gifts and talents, to develop the potential to live a healthy, rich, harmonious and happy life. And to provide in the basic livelihoods for themselves, the children, the family and the community around them.

The MBC considers people to be unique self-employed individuals, yet in relation to each other: interdependent. We need each other to pimp ourselves, and to serve each other in our relationships and partnerships. We depend on each other for our networks, support, encouragement, advice, resources and help.
- Supporting people from the (urban) slums and rural areas of the Philippines and worldwide.
- Helping people to acquire a starting capital through loans and savings to start their own businesses.
- Making the world a better place by supporting people to improve their lives by generating an income for their families by starting a business.
- Contributing to alleviating poverty, lack of education and a lack of self-esteem.
- Creating a self-sustaining and sustainable office to support local partner organisations that help people from poor areas to start their own business.
Our Qualities and Opportunities
- Love for the people we serve and hope to improve their situation.
- A robust and effective 5-step approach to achieving our Vision & Mission (Generating Ideas, Business Development, Finances, Start the Business, Coaching).
- A well developed Curriculum (course package) in more local languages, with complementary materials.
- Hands-on approach by means of engaging and interactive and well thought out training methods.
- A strategic location where we work: in or nearby the slum areas in cities or rural areas.
- Motivated and skilled employees with a passion for the poor.
- Partnership development with organisations in our network.
- Partnership development with various development organisations with a focus on the development of livelihood projects and micro-business.
- Encouraging the local government and community with vision development for poverty reduction through small business development.
- To generate funds and donations from the Philippines and other countries to support the work of the MBC.
- Extending the services of the MBC to other disadvantaged communities, both inside and outside the Philippines.